See what people are saying....
FTI has become an important part of the fabric of our community, providing intensive Torah study and growth opportunities for their students, as well as inspiration and outreach to the Jewish community at large.
It’s amazing to see the geshmak and joy that the talmidim experience while learning with Rabbi Juni.
I find it remarkable that even as the Yeshiva has experienced considerable growth, it is still able to maintain the same care and concern for each and every talmid.
FTI: A Yeshiva where students not only learn the Torah, they learn to live the Torah.
This has so far been an amazing year for Baruch. He is learning a tremendous amount from his Rebbi and has a great deal of respect for his secular teachers. He is always excited to get up for school in the morning.
Based on my close relationship with RABBI DAVIDOWITZ and RABBI JUNI, dating back to our days in Yeshiva together, I have developed such respect and confidence in them, that I would fully trust them with my own children’s chinuch.
The yeshiva has the unique ability to cater to the yachid, carefully focusing on the individual talents of every talmid.
Hear what students say
Hear what parents say
Horav Yaakov Bender, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah
Important Dates
School Statistics
We Have Grown
over 1000%
in the last 8 years!
FTI has given
over $3,000,000
in financial aid
over the past 4 years!
Daily at FTI
there are
45 Classes
300 Happy Alumni


Yeshiva of Cherry Hill
31 Maple Avenue
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Fax: 856.482.8235