The FTI Bais Medrash left this week for Tucson, Arizona, on an outreach program called The Connection to learn and teach Torah. For three weeks, FTI Roshei Yeshiva Rabbi Shimon Max and, separately, Rabbi Chaim Juni, as well as the Bais Medrash bachurim, will learn with local Jewish people thirsting for Torah study in small group settings, and in one-on-one chavrusas. Many special events and exciting programs have been peppered in to their agenda as well. The goal of the free, three-week program is “to help the Jewish community of Tucson build, strengthen, and explore their connection with Judaism.” This program exemplifies an important element of FTI’s mission, that Torah is not just for ourselves, but Torah is to be shared with others. FTI is excited to be a part of such an incredible program, and sincerely thanks our hosts Rabbi Yisrael Becker and the entire Tucson Orthodox community for the opportunity to share our nation’s Torah! Click here to view the program and here to read a newspaper article from the Arizona Jewish Post
FTI Bais Medrash Heads to Tucson, Arizona, for Summer Zman Hands-On Chinuch… of Chinuch