FTI wishes Mr. Fred Brockman, M.Ed., FTI’s general studies principal, mazel tov andhatzlacha in his retirement. Mr. Brockman will be sorely missed here at FTI. Upon his retirement, the hanhala presented him with a beautiful painting thanking him for his 8 years of service to the Yeshiva. The effects he had on our institution will always be with us. After an intensive search for qualified candidates, FTI named Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hoffman as its new general studies principal. Rabbi Hoffman brings his expertise, passion, and professionalism to FTI to propel its general studies program to even higher levels (read his full bio below.) Rabbi Hoffman related “I am very excited to be a part of the FTI team. As General Studies Principal, I plan to ensure that FTI students will be challenged appropriately, preparing them for life beyond FTI. In university, we had a class devoted to creating and maintaining what’s called a Professional Learning Community (PLC). Fortunately, FTI already has one! The Rebbeim and administration have created an environment where students feel very comfortable collaborating, critiquing, and growing together! It is rare to actually see that in a school, and when it does exist, the synergy is amazing. I am confident that this upcoming year will be one that provides our students with incredible opportunity for learning and growth, and I look forward to contributing my part to improve it in any way possible!”

Biography:Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hoffman received his Master’s Degree in Education from Loyola University in Chicago, with a specialization in Education Administration and Supervision. He received Jewish Day School/ Yeshiva Principal Certification from the Jewish Education Leadership Institute in 2011. In his previous role as a teacher in the Mathematics Department of Yeshiva Siach Yitzchok, Rabbi Hoffman developed curricula for both secular and Jewish studies. Rabbi Hoffman’s wide range of experiences include teaching at all levels, adults, high school, junior high as well as primary. Rabbi Hoffman is both a third generation student of the Rabbinical Seminary of America and a fourth generation educator. His great-grandfather received an award in Teaching Excellence from President Lyndon Johnson.