On May 10th -11th, the entire FTI Yeshiva went on its annual spring camping trip. The trip was an incredible display of achdus from start to finish. All talmidim from 9th grade through bais medrash helped set up tents, prepare food, and coordinate the activities. Rebbeim and talmidim bonded through sports, a BBQ, hiking, and volleyball at our private beach. After a great meal and an inspirational outdoor maariv, the entire yeshiva had a kumzitz by the light of a huge bonfire. Rabbi Davidowitz, Rosh Yeshiva, rounded out the evening with an incredible holocaust story about how Hashem saved Klal Yisrael even during the darkest times, and how people were able to do such tremendous chesed even during those times. The FTI talmidim came back energized and motivated to delve back in to the light of the Torah.
The Entire Yeshiva Goes Camping in the Poconos